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The centre mandates that within three years, educational institutions offer digital study materials in Indian languages.
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Jan-23-24

The centre requires educational institutions to provide e-study materials in Indian languages within 3 years

The officials have directed all the institutions to provide all the study material in digital form in Indian languages within a period of three years.

This decision was made to promote multilingualism, i.e., the ability to speak in more than one language. The study reveals that more than half of the world can speak at least a minimum of two languages. So, to promote the same, this is mandatory.

When a student studies in their own language, it makes it easier for the student to understand and analyse things. The student is also able to build a sense of confidence. He can gain more knowledge and become more informative.

Giving pupils the chance to learn in their native tongue is the goal of the decision.

"The government has directed all school and higher education regulators like UGC, AICTE, NCERT, NIOS, IGNOU, and heads of INIs like IITs, CUs, and NITs to make study material in Indian languages available for all courses in the next three years."

"UGC, AICTE, and the Department of School Education have also been asked to take up the issue with regard to state schools and universities," the education ministry said.

Content creation in local languages will boost this multilingual asset and pave the way for its better contribution to 'Viksit Bharat' to make our country a developed nation by 2047.