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Key Differences Between JEE Main and JEE Advanced

The Joint Entrance Examination Main (JEE Main), previously known as the All-India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), is an online examination designed for admission to various undergraduate programs in engineering, architecture, and planning across Indian colleges. Administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA), JEE Main serves as an initial qualifying exam.

Upon successfully clearing JEE Main, candidates become eligible to participate in JEE Advanced. Historically, JEE Advanced served as the exclusive requirement for admission to the undergraduate programs at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and is typically organized by one of the IITs. To gain a comprehensive understanding, it is essential to review the key distinctions between JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

Aspect JEE Main JEE Advanced
Admission to NITs, IIITs, and other institutes.
Admission to IITs, IISTs, and RGIPT.
Held twice a year
Held once a year
Organizing Body
National Testing Agency (NTA)
IIT Joint Admission Board (JAB)
Maximum Attempts
Up to three years
Up to two years
Exam Duration
Varies based on papers
6 hours (Paper 1: 3 hours, Paper 2: 3 hours)
Language Options for Question Paper
13 languages including English and Hindi
English and Hindi
Papers and Modes
Paper-1 (B.E./B.Tech) online; Paper-2A (B. Arch) online for Aptitude & Maths, offline for drawing; Paper-2B (B. Planning) online.
Not fixed; may include multiple choice, integer type questions.
Marking Scheme for JEE Main Paper-1
+4 for correct answers; -1 for incorrect answers
Varies; partial marking for multi-choice multi-correct answers
Language Options for Question Paper
13 languages including English and Hindi
English and Hindi

These distinctions highlight the diverse characteristics and structures of the JEE Main and JEE Advanced examinations, each serving specific purposes in the admission process for technical undergraduate programs in India.