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 Bill Gates at IIT Delhi - College Browser
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Mar-01-24

Bill Gates addresses IIT Delhi and calls for technology innovation to drive equitable development.

Tech luminary and philanthropist Bill Gates delivered a keynote address at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) today, focusing on the intersection of technology innovation and social equity. Addressing a packed auditorium of students, faculty, and industry leaders, Gates emphasised the critical role of technology innovation in solving India's most pressing technology development challenges.

"India boasts a young, tech-savvy population, and institutions like IIT Delhi are at the forefront of producing world-class talent," Gates said. "The technology innovations that emerge from IIT Delhi and others like it can not only transform India but have far-reaching global implications for addressing issues like poverty, healthcare, and sustainability."

Bill Gates at IIT Delhi stressed the importance of ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements reach all members of society, regardless of socioeconomic background. Underscoring the value of interdisciplinary approaches, he urged young innovators to collaborate with social scientists, policymakers, and community organisations to design inclusive solutions.

"The challenges we face are complex," Gates remarked. "Technology alone isn't the answer. We need to marry innovation with a deep understanding of the social and economic contexts in which it will be deployed. That's the path to truly equitable development."

Bill Gates at IIT Delhi also included discussions with IIT Delhi researchers focusing on clean energy solutions, affordable healthcare technologies, and digital agriculture. He expressed optimism about the potential of Indian innovation to tackle some of the world's most pressing problems.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is actively engaged in supporting initiatives across India, particularly in the areas of public health and sanitation. Gates' address at IIT Delhi reflects the foundation's commitment to fostering a robust innovation ecosystem with a focus on social impact.