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collegebrowser - latest news on AI revolutionising K-12 education in India: A transformative journey
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Dec-22-23

AI revolutionising K-12 education in India: A transformative journey

The integration of AI in education offers a significant promise, blending cognitive psychology, data analytics, and machine learning to create tailored learning experiences that enhance outcomes and academic performance. AI is transforming education by introducing adaptive learning, streamlining administrative tasks, and providing real-time monitoring and feedback.

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a transformative force, reshaping the K-12 education sector and poised to make a significant impact in India as well. This technological advancement is revolutionising learning on a massive scale, offering the prospect of personalised and adaptive educational experiences tailored to the unique learning styles and needs of individual students.

In India, where over 250 million students are enrolled in K-12 education [UNESCO], the potential of AI in education is particularly promising. The vast scale of the education system, combined with the diversity of students, has made personalised learning a necessity rather than a luxury.

"In traditional education, rigid and uniform approaches often hinder students with diverse learning styles and paces, leading to disengagement and missed opportunities. To address this, personalised learning methods have become critical, allowing students to progress at their own pace and explore their specific interests. In fact, a lot of industry data indicates the prowess of AI-powered personalised learning in elementary education.