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Largest Drone Pilot Training IIT Guwahati - College Browser
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Feb-29-24

IIT Guwahati Takes Flight: Launches India's Largest Drone Pilot Training Organisation

Guwahati, Assam: In a significant step towards empowering individuals and fostering the advancement of drone technology in India, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati   (IIT Guwahati)  has launched the country's largest Remote Pilot Training Organisation (RPTO). This state-of-the-art facility, spanning a vast 18 acres, boasts the capability to train individuals in drone operation while simultaneously flying up to nine medium-class drones.
Established in collaboration with EduRade, a brand incubated at the IIT Guwahati Research Park, the RPTO aims to equip aspiring drone pilots with the necessary skills and expertise to navigate the burgeoning drone industry. The initiative aligns with the Government of India's vision to harness the potential of drone technology across various sectors, including agriculture, infrastructure inspection, disaster management, and surveillance.

Equipping the Workforce for the Future:

The RPTO will initially introduce a DGCA-certified Medium Class Drone Pilot Training Course, specifically designed to cater to the needs of youth across the North Eastern region and other parts of India. This comprehensive programme will equip participants with the theoretical knowledge and practical flying experience required to obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC) from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). This certification is mandatory for individuals seeking to operate drones commercially in India.

Empowering Diverse Communities:

The IIT Guwahati RPTO goes beyond conventional training, demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity. The programme will offer dedicated training opportunities for women from self-help groups (SHGs) engaged in agriculture, identified under the Namo Drone Didi Yojna. This initiative empowers women to actively participate in the drone revolution and leverage this technology to enhance agricultural practices and improve livelihoods.

Beyond Civilian Applications:

IIT Guwahati is not only focused on empowering civilians but also recognises the potential of drone technology for national security. The institute is currently hosting a specialised three-month training programme for junior commission officers (JCOs) and other defence personnel. This programme equips them with the necessary skills to integrate drone technology into their operations, thereby modernising and strengthening national defence capabilities.

A Pioneering Initiative: The launch of the RPTO marks a significant milestone for IIT Guwahati and the Indian drone ecosystem. This expansive facility, coupled with its comprehensive training programmes, positions the institute as a frontrunner in shaping the future of drone technology in India. By empowering individuals with the necessary skills and fostering innovation, IIT Guwahati is paving the way for a future where drones play a transformative role in various sectors, contributing to India's economic growth and progress.