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Mental Health Matters - College Browser
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Feb-29-24

Exams tough? You're tougher. Talk; it helps.

As the pressure cooker of exam season cranks up, one crucial ingredient often goes ignored: mental health. While textbooks pile up and deadlines loom, students grapple with a silent struggle—the intense pressure taking a toll on their well-being. This isn't just about acing that test; it's about recognising that achieving academic success starts with prioritising mental health. This news delves into the crucial link between the two, exploring resources, strategies, and why taking care of your mind might just be the key to unlocking your academic potential.

Mental health awareness is very crucial for everyone, especially students during exam times. It’s very normal for students to think that excellent preparation is when a student is sleep deprived and studies all night and all day. If a student doesn’t follow this and prioritises his or her sleep, it is normally considered that he or she is not serious about life. That’s not true because students fail to realise that quality is above quantity. They study by the number of hours; not how much they actually grasp.

Today, we come across so many cases in which the students give up their lives, either because they were unable to prepare or because they did not score well in the exams, or because they are scared that they will let their parents down or because they fail to top in the exams. There is a lot of social pressure on the students.

Students fail to understand that their lives are more precious than exams, and these exams don’t define their identity. Students also fail to understand that for a parent, nothing is more important than the child’s health and life. Students should be aware that if one door closes, there are 100s of other doors that a student can enter. Every student should take their mental health seriously, especially when the exams are on the line.

Exams are a crucial part of student life, but they shouldn't come at the expense of mental well-being. Remember, your worth is not defined by a grade. Prioritise healthy coping mechanisms, seek support when needed, and remember that taking care of your mental health is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength and resilience. Invest in yourself, because your well-being matters every day, not just during exam season.