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Rise in female enrolment in STEM courses in India
Admin | Content Curator Updated : Feb-07-24

Rise in female enrolment in STEM courses in India

India's Future is Female: STEM Enrolment Sees Surge, Finance Minister Highlights Progress

New Delhi, February 2, 2024: In a positive signal for gender equality in the Indian workforce, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted the rising enrolment of women in STEM fields during her recent budget speech.

"Female enrolment in higher education has increased by 28% over the past ten years," she stated, "and within STEM courses, girls and women now constitute a remarkable 43%—one of the highest rates globally."

This encouraging news echoes data from the All-India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), which shows a jump from 38.4% female enrolment in STEM in 2014–15 to 42.6% in 2021–22. This trend surpasses global averages, with the World Bank reporting a 42.7% female STEM enrolment for India in 2018, compared to 34% in the US and 38.1% in the UK.

Several factors contribute to this positive change. Government initiatives like supernumerary seats for women in prestigious institutions like IITs and NITs, scholarships like Pragati, and the Tech Saksham Programme play a crucial role. Additionally, shifting societal attitudes towards gender equality and growing awareness of exciting career opportunities in STEM fields are encouraging more girls to pursue these paths.

Despite this progress, challenges remain. Unequal access to resources and persistent societal norms in rural and disadvantaged communities can hinder girls' access to STEM education. Tackling unconscious biases within educational institutions and workplaces is crucial to creating a truly inclusive environment. Moreover, ensuring women's retention and progression in STEM careers requires addressing issues like workplace discrimination and a lack of support for work-life balance.

Finance Minister Sitharaman's announcement underscores the significant progress made in increasing female participation in STEM fields. However, sustained efforts are needed to bridge the remaining gaps and ensure equitable opportunities for all, unlocking the full potential of India's female talent in driving innovation and shaping the nation's future.